Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bleeuuurrrggghhh...Aarrrrgghhhhh... Splat!

I'm on holiday this week but for Sunday and Monday I was mostly ill.

It was projectile vom and bum spray all the way - but i'm better now you'll all be glad to know.

The only other thing of note to happen so far this week is having Sausage & Mash at the pub. Yum!

Anyone else a Sausage & Mash afficionado? Ben, you must be?

Bond re-enacted by bunnies

Monday, February 26, 2007


Hello all

I was expecting the usual flurry of posts in my absence but it seems i've only missed one.

So come on then, what's the goss, how was the wedding? Any other weekend news?

Spain was great, very warm again surprisingly so we did the usual trekking around in the car and slobbing out drinking at the few bars that were open and on the beach etc.

No other news than that!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chad Vader

I have only just found out there are SIX episodes of Chad Vader. Go here to view them. Also looks like special xmas messages etc. Not looked at them yet so let us all know what you think.

UPDATE: They also do a podcast! so you can put it onto your video ipod. Woo, click on this icon!
Matt Sloan and Aaron Yonda - Blame Society Productions and The Splu Urtaf Show
If you have another Generic MP3 player please use this link

Thursday, February 15, 2007

One week today

i will be the next Mrs Jones.... hahaha

hope your looking forward to it guys


Come on people play the quizes again, just Tosh and I are at the moment and its getting a little boring. Mainly cause we always score the same points and i will never catch him !!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

New Layout

What do you think

answers on a post card

Monday, February 12, 2007

I had a fun day

Today i decided to cut the end of my index finger, which was nice. Was cutting some stuff in the stores area and cut straight into my finger. So i had to go off to the hospital to have it fixed.

Lost is pants

Nuff said

Friday, February 09, 2007

Are you Gay?

PeekVid is dead.....

.......Long Live:

WeGotShows and AllUC

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snowman War

Here is the Army i created whilst on a five minute break to battle Tosh's Snowmen

Snowman Competition II

Heres mine!

Snow on Crickly Hill

James and I went to his house at lunch via Crickly hill (air balloon) and then down Leckhamton. It was lovely! Here are some pictures:

Now Drew is working from home today cause of the amazing amount that fell near him:

mmmm or not!

Snowman Competition

This is my Entry, made this morning after clearing the snow off my car. The leaf is his scarf, i could not find any stones to make buttons. Can you do better?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

25 Line From Star Wars That Can Be Improved if you substitute the word "Pants"

1 A tremor in the pants. The last time I felt this was in the presence of my old master.
2 You are unwise to lower your pants.
3 We've got to be able to get some reading on those pants, up or down.
4 She must have hidden the plans in her pants. Send a detachment down to retrieve them. See to it personally Commander.
5 These pants may not look like much, kid, but they've got it where it counts.
6 I find your lack of pants disturbing.
7 These pants contain the ultimate power in the Universe. I suggest we use it.
8 Han will have those pants down. We've got to give him more time!
9 General Veers, prepare your pants for a surface assault.
10 I used to bulls-eye womp-rats in my pants back home.
11 TK-421. . . Why aren't you in your pants?
12 Lock the door. And hope they don't have pants.
13 Governor Tarkin. I recognized your foul pants when I was brought onboard.
14 You look strong enough to pull the pants off of a Gundark.
15 Luke. . . Help me take...these pants off.
16 Great, Chewie, great. Always thinking with your pants.
17 That blast came from those pants. That thing's operational!
18 Don't worry. Chewie and I have gotten into a lot of pants more heavily guarded than this.
19 Maybe you'd like it back in your pants, your highness.
20 Your pants betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for your sister!
21 Jabba doesn't have time for smugglers who drop their pants at the first sign of an Imperial Cruiser.
22 Yeah, well short pants is better than no pants at all, Chewie.
23 Attention. This is Lando Calrissean. The Empire has taken control of my pants, I advise everyone to leave before more troops arrive.
24 I cannot teach him. The boy has no pants.
25 You came in those pants? You're braver than I thought.


What the heck!! Peekvid in Beta? or is it being shut down by the powers that be!!

Weather Warning

Apparently we are going to get lots of snow tonight and it may hit minus 10. Not much if your my sister, but for us here in Blighty we can expect the country to come to a stand still for a day or two.

All I will do is remember to only make journeys that are necessary, so work will be out the window, however driving to the pub will not be a problem.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Tube

I was looking at the tube map and found a map which shows the actual geographic posistions of the tube stations. I think it looks better. or here

There is also this one which shows the time between stations.

Friday, February 02, 2007

This Weekend

Hello all. Just a quick note to wish everyone a good weekend. Hope the boys have a good time at Sparkies! I'm looking forward to some good stories of drunken antics on Monday. Ben, I hope you have a good time this weekend too ;). Me, well I am in Ireland where I will be watching the 6 Nations hoping that England can muster up a decent performance against the Scots. I will also be acting as a personal bank account for Catherine no doubt but that's only to be expected. Oh, I hope the girls have a great Hen night too, enjoy! :)