Thursday, April 20, 2006

Return of Jesus

I know i have not blogged and not been seen by people for nearly a whole week now, this is due to the fact that Jesus has returned and wanted a tour of the sticks. So i have been busy showing him around. Yes i am going mad, life with only four tv channels and no internet at home is sending me barking, speaking of barking i have competitions with the dog that lives with me!!

In turth i have just been very busy, finally got all my stuff unpacked and sorted in my room now. Went to see Sara over the bank holiday weekend after Jays Birthday drinks on Friday night, i stayed over at the boys house and left at 3pm Saturday (jay was not even up from the night before at that point). Got to Sara's at 5ish and had some tea. Spent the night watching TV. Easter Sunday had a roast dinner with all her family and played football in the park with the family and Sara's nephew Lucas. Very knackering!! On monday we all went to Bristol Zoo and saw the Lions other animals and penguins and seals, which were the best of all. They have an underwater walk way so you can see them all swimming about so i got some cool piccys. Was annoyed that i did not get to see the red panda cause they are the collest. After the Zoo i went back home to the sticks and had tea and relaxed after a busy weekend. This week just been busy at work and had to go to Hook (near Reading) to deliver some stuff. Tonight i should be going to play football, so those who are there will see me!!

Well i am off back to Jesus

1 comment:

TOSH said...

woo hoo -hello benji