Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Well, it's lovely here at work, no students, radio on...

Weekend was very dull. The fella was away yet again, he's moving to Stow (quite close to you guys I think) this weekend coming so was off sorting that out again. It will mean I will be moving again at some point, not sure where yet exactly - I can't face thinking about that yet!!

We managed to get some bridesmaids shoes at last though i'm not sure any of us really like them. We spent hours trekking up and down Exeter high st and at 5.25pm in M&S we just had to buy the first real pair we all agreed on! We had to order some in since they didn't have them in our size (typically we all take the same size) but that's ok, i'm going to invest in some of those massive bridget jones pants that hold everything in so i'm gonna go back into town at the weekend!!

Think that was about it, spent the rest of my weekend drinking wine and watching tv I think. I can see i'm going to get addicted to celebrity x factor!


TOSH said...

i thought you were off this week?

Benji said...


Amy G said...

Yep big pants! Well not like the pair of big pants Gail and I bought in a size smaller than we were thinking it would make us even thinner for the summer ball! I was left with massive red lines that really hurt and not alot of blood in my legs!!

No Tosh, i was off yesterday but am in the rest of the week!