Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Good Morning

Well good morning everyone, happy new year too! Did you all have a good break? I can't believe it has gone so quickly! Coming back to work today sucks.

So what did you all get up to? I went up to London to see Emma the night before Gail's wedding. We made a slight mistake at going out for a "few" drinks the night before since we had to get up early to get to Bedford and then after visiting far too many pubs in Bethnal Green and then Shoreditch we rolled in at 3.30am! We had to spend the whole train journey to Bedford with them playing xmas tunes! We felt so rough!

The wedding was good - Emma and I didn't know a single other person so apart from at the dinner where we got to meet people we were pretty much by ourselves. Gail looked lovely and in typical Gail and Chris style they got absolutely wasted on alcohol and had a right knees up, it was great! Gail ripped a massive hole in the front of her dress much to her amusement!

Christmas was ok, had everyone at mine which was a tight squeeze and they are all so messy!! I then went down to my mums for a second christmas too.

Then I was off to Spain, we spent most days out and about because it was really warm there and most nights just drinking in the apartment because not a lot is open there in the evenings. NYE we spent in the apartment and then went down on the beach to see in the new year by watching the fireworks across the mar menor which were impressive, then because we were an hour earlier than you, came back and watched the UK fireworks on sky in the apartment.

Flew back into Bristol last night and didn't get home until midnight so i'm so tired today and had forgotten that there is a million and one boring staff development things to do today. I'm hoping to upload all my photos onto my msn space at some point to show you all!!

Anyway i'll stop rambling now and will wait for someone else to post!!...

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