Monday, June 11, 2007

I was Ill

Friday night we had a boys poker night at Drews. Me Drew, Ben, Jay,Russ and Colin all put in a fiver.

I took round a bottle of whiskey - Colin brought over Cuban cigars. it was a great night. Russ Won the £30 kitty.

Pictures are on Facebook (bens section)

I was really drunk as I had 3/4 of the bottle and only had a salad for dinner so not really great to soak up alcohol! plus the fat cuban cigars! I got home and was sick :(

The next day I was going to caddy for the boys when they played golf but I was still pissed when i woke up (by Jay shouting goodbye to Bex - "I love you Bex have a good day BYE") I did go back to sleep and woke up at 12:30 - feeling good (no really i dont get hangovers :D )

Sat night i went out for a wee while, promised Yvette I would be home for 11pm (she is still revising for exams) again pics of that is on bens facebook section ;)

Sunday I went Shopping with Ben - no pictures of that on facebook! Typical I actually wanted to buy things but couldnt find out. So we went to the park to meet up with Bex Jay, Anna,Cat and Russ. Pics on Bens facebook! Then I went home cooked Yvette dinner and went to see wedding Daze with Ben whilst others went to see Pirates or oceans.

inbetween all of that played Forza - minted!


Amy G said...

I've only ever smoked a cigar once and I was really sick then too!

TOSH said...

I think I was sick due to 3/4 bottle of whiskey ;)