Tuesday, April 10, 2007

At least it is a 3 day week

I am so glad to be at work.

Weekend was good - drove to Edinburgh on thursday night, got up at 12:30 so not too bad - not alot of traffic really.

Friday demolished a garage - that was fun. Friday afternoon did something but cant remember. Friday night had a party - people came over - was ok, mor eof my mums pals - so me Yvette bro sis, cousins and sis in law was in the front room hiding.

Saturday me, bro and Yvette went to hearts Match after having a spot of lunch up the town. Shit game but we won 1-0 so that was good.

Sat night me, bro and Yvette and cousins went out. Saw Kenny miller the celtic and Scotland player - Ugly as - look him up on google. We also saw a couple of Hearts players - my bro spoke to them - i cooly waved. We were made up all night ;)

Sunday had a massive lunch then drove back down. got to chelts in 4 3/4 hours! didnt speed really at all- no really didnt! my average was 67mph as my car told me. it is only around 336 miles.

Monday went to Yvettes mums and dads for a lunch - fecking huge lunch it was - nice tho, home made quiche and pudding too.

So by the time we went to Bens for a BBQ we wernt hungray - but had a nice night at bens with everyone else.

still cant remember about friday afternoon!

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