Monday, June 05, 2006

Jays Weekend

By James Barrett age 12

Friday i also went out with the boys and threw some shapes.

Saturday i also went to the pub for lunch and England game.

I then drove to Bristol to see my dad, big bro and his family. Had a very nice time, was good to see my bro and my niece and nephew, although i didn't get much sleep. I had to read my nephew 2 bedtime stories (he is 4) but he still wouldn't go to bed as he said it wasn't nightime as it was still light outside.

Eventually he went to bed after i promised i would stay in the room with him, i watched some telly with my sister in law then went to sleep downstairs, at 4:10am i heard noises upstairs and realised my nephew must have woken up and seen i was not in the room, he must of thought it was morning and starting running round the house making noise.

Got him back to bed then was woken up by my dad making a brew at 5:30am, crazy fool, then was woken again when my niece woke up and started to bawl her eyes out at 6:30am.

Had brekkie at my dads, Russ came over then we went to see my mum and her fella whose birthday it was, had a nice lunch and a little snooze then drove home.

Drew, Louise and Cat were having a Lord of the Rings marathon so i sat and did some work whilst the last film was on, had some tea and went to bed.

Today i drove to work for an appointment, got there to find the person i was seeing was on holiday, so at home now writing this.

Looking forward to the World Cup, bbq on Sat should be good, i am painting my face and Sparks is coming up if he hasn't disappeared off the face of the planet.


Amy G said...

I went to Bristol the other day but to IKEA, they now have an escalator thing that goes down a floor that trolleys can go on without moving around - i know i'm easily pleased but i thought that was cool!!

Sparks said...

Face painting? Dear dear lol