Monday, July 25, 2005

Ben's Back

Well i am back at work now, (how boring it is) after my week off, did not win the lottery so had to come in. Anyway i was not that busy on my week off spent Monday and Tuesday doing not a lot, then went to see my Mum Wednesday Thursday and came back friday afternoon (after she had washed my pants John) then as Tosh said we all went for a combined birthday meal for all the birthday boys. Then on for some drinks and dancing. The on Saturday (My Birthday) i did the washing up and tidied the house before Drew and Yvette came round. I baked my own Birthday cake and the Jay came round as well, they gave me a Darth Vader cake and some gifts. Oh and my mum gave me great presents of s flannel, shower gel, shampoo, a sponge and a bubble gun, which i flippin brill. Anyway, at 3.30ish James came over and drove Drew, Jay, Yvette and I over to my dads house where we had a BBQ, Hotdogs, Burgers etc. and Pat (my stepmum) had also made yet another cake, so we fed our faces and felt a little ill afterwards. We left at 8.30ish and came back to Chelt's where we all watched Hostage (Bruce Willis). Sunday was spent watching the Grand Prix at the boys and then played San Andreas until 6 when i went home and spent the night with Sara. Which brought me to Monday morning at work again.


Amy G said...

Happy belated Birthday Ben!

TOSH said...

I picked the Darth Vadar Cake!!

I also want a bit of the cake you made later!!!

also Gym tonight!?